19 January, 2019

Review and Some Thoughts

Welcome. A quick review of what is posted here: Discussions of sounds such as OM that have vibrations which resonate within our inner selves and talk to certain energies within. Focusing on self-worth by waking up and telling ourselves that we are worthy. Focusing on gratitude before bed by letting go of the negative things that happened throughout the day and stating something that we are grateful for. In being grateful, you are giving thanks and allowing that vibration to open up and bring more things to be grateful and thankful for. Gratitude is magnitude. We will discuss later about negative experiences had throughout the day. We are trying to bury the negative experiences by thinking of something to be grateful for, rather we are trying to raise our vibration from the negative experience that we had during the day which in essence can lower our vibrations. We should deal with negative experiences as they arise but we will get to that later. Remember that you can use post its to help you remember by sticking them to your fridge and bathroom mirror. Also effective is to use sticky notes by your door so that when you leave and return home you are reminded that you are worthy, that you are (fill in). I have heard that some people post notes above their beds. A new post will follow later tonight.

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