I mentioned decluttering in the last post. It is just as important to rid of people who do not serve you as it is to rid of belongings. So now we will discuss getting toxic people out of our lives. As I mentioned once in a post, I do not like talking about my personal life here when it comes to negativity; however, if we do not own our negative experiences and work through them, we cannot release them to make room for positive experiences. Staying in a negative state does not raise our vibration.
So, Until the other day, I had a person in my life who has extreme mood swings. We last saw each other in 1996, no, 1997 when my mom passed away. I found her on Facebook in 2012. For the last seven years I have dealt with verbal abuse (on and off). If she didn't get her way, I was insulted about the home I lived in while she was renting a room from a friend. I was called so many names. I was told that I should get rid of people in my life that she didn't think were good for me. I said, you are not necessarily good for me, how about I put you on the list of toxic people. I said you are no better than anyone. No one is better than another. She said, "That is B.S. I know I am better than other people.
I swore that the times we argued would be the last time we spoke because I should not have to be abused mentally. She is a cruel person without a filter. Especially after a night a few years ago when she was bad mouthing my ex and other things while I was driving to the point where her foul mouth and negativity got to me so bad that I wanted to vomit. I had to kick her out of my car. I am incapable of feeling such negativity because as am empath, I feel all of it and have to release it or I get sick. Lowering my vibration is draining. We talked on and off again after that.
About 2 days ago, we were texting as usual because talking is too much if something negative comes out. True, I enjoy texting because I can multi-task while texting but I preferred texting this person as not to hear snideness, manipulation and that better then though voice. After she did not like an answer to a question she asked, she started with the insults; however, they did not bother me like they use to. The insults just sort of bounced off of me because after going through some bad experiences with my daughter for over a year, I isolated and did some shadow work which helped me to work through, rethink and rid of those negative experiences. Now I have room for more experiences and better experiences because I am recharged and on a higher frequency.
Trust me, letting go of the past and of negative baggage, guilt and fear (dealing with karma) raises your vibration automatically. This is why you hear people say that the weight has been lifted after they resolve something. Everything must come full circle. Anyway, we are no longer friends on Facebook and we are no longer texting. We have known each other for 28 years and although it would be nice to have a positive ongoing friendship; realistically, it cannot happen when a person is negative, is in denial, is mentally abusive and holds herself on a pedestal. Toxicity has to be removed from our lives in order to vibrate higher and bring that which we desire into manifestation.
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