02 February, 2019

The Exercise of "The Wo/Man in the Mirror

Welcome, Who invented the mirror? Although nature invented the mirror (volcanic glass, other elements, water), 200 years ago according to Live Science, Justus von Liebig, a German chemist invented the mirror that we use today (perfected upon by others after him). The mirror is another way to separate us from our authentic selves. Ask yourselves, if you didn't know what you looked like, how different a person you would be. My answer to myself is that I would be just like everyone else because I would have nothing to judge otherwise. I would be in the habit of knowing myself internally rather than externally where I put a meaning and judgement on myself according to what I should look like and what is acceptable according to the media's prescription of beauty. Divide and conquer is what comes to mind once again.

I am pretty sure that if I ask you not to look in the mirror for one week, you may think I am insane. How can I not look in the mirror? I have to go to work, I have to run errands. Who knows what people will think of me. That is too bad that many of us worry about how people will judge us according to our looks rather than according to who we REALLY are. So what applies here is that...you are what you see. This should not be. This aids in dividing oneness, it reinforces thoughts of completely being an individual on the Earth plane without any connection to the universe, just to the EGO.

I have shared exercises where you should look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful and so forth. In this exercise, I ask you to stand away from the mirror for as long as you possibly can. That may be all night after work, a weekend when you are off from work or even just a few hours per day. Feed yourself with positive thoughts about your physical self, such as I am beautiful, I am light, I am bringing my inside out. Do not focus on negative thoughts or say negative things about yourselves. When a negative thought comes up, simply ask yourself "If I didn't know what I looked like, how different a person would I be.

When we use projection or reflect between ourselves and others, we are saying I do not like (add thought) about you when really it is that dislike about them that we have in us that we do not like. This can be a great tool when healing ourselves and aids in becoming our better selves. Therefore, the mirror is in opposition to reflection as it deflects inner reflection by focusing on outer / external matter. In this way, instead of bringing us closer to molding the ego into one with higher consciousness, the mirror aids in increasing ego's individuality. Reflection V Deflection...more duality. Watch for those who invent ways to tear us apart, those who know that chaos holds us back from authenticity so they continue to create chaos.

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