26 February, 2019

Live in the Now / Moment


Many times we have so much on our minds that we do not live in the moment, which is why we miss so much beauty in life. There are times that I am driving or just sitting around in front of the computer with so many thoughts that I am multitasking or overthinking. This is common for me but it is not healthy and I have to take a breath and say "In the moment, in the moment." At that point, I empty my mind and say none of this matters now. I am then able to see beauty and appreciate it.
Since excitement/joy raises our vibrations and brings us closer to our higher selves, it is important to live in the moment and see the beauty in things that excite us and give us joy. Or to have a clear mind to think of things that bring us joy. Excitement carries a very high vibration. It is felt and shared with the universe. Remember, you want to match the frequencies to those things that you desire. Therefore; it is beneficial to all of us to live in the frequency of excitement as much as we can. Until this becomes a habit, purposely clear your mind at least 3 times per day and look for the beauty in the moment.

16 February, 2019

Analyze Your Thoughts


Many of our thoughts do not serve us. This is because many of our thoughts are negative. They may not seem negative while we are thinking; however, if you put yourself down without realizing you are doing so, you will realize it when you experience the negative outcome. When you create a goal and notice you are close but haven't reached it in your timing and give up, you have created the reason why you did not reach the goal. When you make a promise you cannot keep because you didn't put enough thought into the reality of the outcome, you again, created a negative outcome.

Thinking back at a time a short time ago when I had a gig and was thinking about what I should wear and thinking, I won't fit in, I can tell you now that that was a thought that made me step back from myself and question why I thought that. There is no fitting in. I asked myself why I was thinking what I was thinking and self said "I want to be accepted." Then I thought, how terrible a thought. I have been preaching for years how we should disconnect and be more aware of the media's prescriptions for beauty, which is garbage. All I have to focus on is talent, honor, dignity, integrity and morality. In the 80's I did not have another female DJ to make a fashion statement as to how female DJs dressed and acted. I was that statement, because it was just me. It was't until the 90s that I heard about another female DJ and she was in California. I would not have changed a thing anyway. I never dressed totally like a female or a male. I am certainly not going to let the many half-naked female DJs make a fashion statement for me today. I listen to you for your particular talent, not your clothes. So, it is important to catch and analyze the thoughts that will wind up creating a negative outcome.

Nip it in the bud. Negative thoughts grow and give birth to negative outcomes. Simply take that thought and question why you feel that way. As you become aware of your thought patterns and change them, it becomes a habit to think different thought and you will find yourselves analyzing your thought less.

14 February, 2019

Ridding of Toxic People


I mentioned decluttering in the last post. It is just as important to rid of people who do not serve you as it is to rid of belongings. So now we will discuss getting toxic people out of our lives. As I mentioned once in a post, I do not like talking about my personal life here when it comes to negativity; however, if we do not own our negative experiences and work through them, we cannot release them to make room for positive experiences. Staying in a negative state does not raise our vibration.

So, Until the other day, I had a person in my life who has extreme mood swings. We last saw each other in 1996, no, 1997 when my mom passed away. I found her on Facebook in 2012. For the last seven years I have dealt with verbal abuse (on and off). If she didn't get her way, I was insulted about the home I lived in while she was renting a room from a friend. I was called so many names. I was told that I should get rid of people in my life that she didn't think were good for me. I said, you are not necessarily good for me, how about I put you on the list of toxic people. I said you are no better than anyone. No one is better than another. She said, "That is B.S. I know I am better than other people.

I swore that the times we argued would be the last time we spoke because I should not have to be abused mentally. She is a cruel person without a filter. Especially after a night a few years ago when she was bad mouthing my ex and other things while I was driving to the point where her foul mouth and negativity got to me so bad that I wanted to vomit. I had to kick her out of my car. I am incapable of feeling such negativity because as am empath, I feel all of it and have to release it or I get sick. Lowering my vibration is draining. We talked on and off again after that.

About 2 days ago, we were texting as usual because talking is too much if something negative comes out. True, I enjoy texting because I can multi-task while texting but I preferred texting this person as not to hear snideness, manipulation and that better then though voice. After she did not like an answer to a question she asked, she started with the insults; however, they did not bother me like they use to. The insults just sort of bounced off of me because after going through some bad experiences with my daughter for over a year, I isolated and did some shadow work which helped me to work through, rethink and rid of those negative experiences. Now I have room for more experiences and better experiences because I am recharged and on a higher frequency.

Trust me, letting go of the past and of negative baggage, guilt and fear (dealing with karma) raises your vibration automatically. This is why you hear people say that the weight has been lifted after they resolve something. Everything must come full circle. Anyway, we are no longer friends on Facebook and we are no longer texting. We have known each other for 28 years and although it would be nice to have a positive ongoing friendship; realistically, it cannot happen when a person is negative, is in denial, is mentally abusive and holds herself on a pedestal. Toxicity has to be removed from our lives in order to vibrate higher and bring that which we desire into manifestation.

12 February, 2019



Take a day or separate this exercise into different times according to the time you have free. Please make sure that if you choose to do this in a day that you keep your word to yourself and complete the task in one day. You may want to think about it first and decide the best timing. Remember, word is bond and if we do not keep our word to ourselves and others, we show a lack of integrity and we do not trust ourselves, so how then can we use our thoughts and words to manifest that which we desire if we do not believe our words.

Clean out your house. Go through closets and that miscellaneous box that you have had for over a decade. If there are things that you do not want, need or have not used in years, why keep it. Keep it simple. Clutter is confusing and I have found that when we put things away, we become accountable for these things and they take up space in our minds and for no good reason. We are not using them. Everything must come full circle, complete. So when we hold on to a box and say, I will get back to it, we are still holding on. We need to clear clutter, clear negativity and that which no longer serves us. This includes certain people who are negative which I will discuss in my next blog post.

We want to make room for things that we desire, so if we are filled with clutter and have unresolved issues, there is no room for the better things that we want to have.

11 February, 2019

Always Do Your Best

Welcome, In doing the exercises I post here, i hope that you do not become discouraged. I know that many of us do for many things in life. I remember when I first stopped smoking, well as I was cutting down before I stopped in 2007, I was doing well but because I was still smoking (cutting down daily) I was discouraged. I was doing a good job and eventually stopped smoking and I didn't always see that. For years, I kicked a habit at least once per year. One year I stopped drinking caffeine about 15 or 16 years ago and drank decaf soda and tea. The next year I chose to stop drinking soda so maybe once or twice per year I may have a few sips. Something new each year. Tonight, I had a question about something that I did, and my fortune said always do your best. That answered my question.

We can't kick ourselves in our butts when we are doing our best because our best is all that we can do. All things come in time if we genuinely want them. Please do not put yourselves down. The best we can do is our best and that is authentic. We want to be our authentic selves and our authentic selves strive for the best WE can do. Not the best according to others. Practice loving yourselves and realize that we all have things to learn and that there are things we want to change about ourselves and our best gets us there.

When raising your vibrations, there will be days that you feel like you are having a bad day and that your vibrations are low. We all have days that we do not love and that is because we have not been taught to love them. There are experiences that we do not like but we can learn from them which makes us reach our better selves. Once we know how to deal with situations, we know better what to do next time. The same thing applies to shadow work. if you are working on raising your vibrations by facing your fears and working through and letting go of past "bad" experiences, then you are raising your vibration. This all takes time.

08 February, 2019

Word is Bond Part One

Welcome, It is important to keep your word, to yourself as well as others. For those of us running around saying my word is my bond, great! Do you keep your word to yourself though? How can we manifest without faith / belief. If you tell yourself you are going to do something, let's say for yourself, and you do not keep your word, you are acting in opposition to what you said you are going to do. Once this becomes a habit, you may not know it, but you cannot trust your words. How then can you manifest that which you desire?

This exercise is for learning to trust your words. This is part one. Watch yourself for a few days by paying attention to things that you say you are going to do. Generally, when we say that we are going to do something, we have an image in our heads of that thing we are going to do, and many times we imagine it from start to finish. This is very normal and healthy. This is what sets our thoughts, words and emotions into action. If, we do not follow through, we broke our word to self. We must trust our words in order to manifest positive things. So, tune into your thoughts for the next few days and notice when you tell someone or tell yourself that you are going to do something and see if you keep your word. What is it you are thinking when you failed to keep your word? Do you make excuses to yourself and others as to why you are not going to do what you committed to? Did you forget? Simply tune in and see what you learn.

04 February, 2019

The Real Bad Words

Welcome, Bad words were created to make us think that all of the other words we use are Good words. Do you like the way that panned out? Many cuss words have their origins in the Germanic language. Shit meant obnoxious person so how is it a "Bad Word?" If we are taught there are words that we should avoid because they are disrespectful, then they have found yet another way for us to be fooled.

The real "Bad Words" are actually words that are hateful toward others and ourselves. Saying I am stupid, I am fat, I am ugly and saying things to insult others are bad words because those words come from thoughts that create our reality. Rather than teach our children what bad words really are, we take the focus off of teaching them the way they should talk in order to manifest that which they desire and put the focus on bogus words instead. This matrix of B.S. that many humans are a part of is simply a dumbded down society filled with puppets and the puppeteers know every trick to divert us from our natural selves.

For this exercise; and maybe this is not really an exercise, rather it is word awareness, I would like you to discover "YOUR" bad words that you use daily. Real bad words, not the ones we are told are bad words and called curse, cuss and swear words. Here are some examples of "bad words."

Bad Words


Wish I wish I had

When When I then I will but until then



You get the idea. Take those words OUT of your vocabulary. Those are bad words! Replace them with positive words like I am and I have.

02 February, 2019

The Exercise of "The Wo/Man in the Mirror

Welcome, Who invented the mirror? Although nature invented the mirror (volcanic glass, other elements, water), 200 years ago according to Live Science, Justus von Liebig, a German chemist invented the mirror that we use today (perfected upon by others after him). The mirror is another way to separate us from our authentic selves. Ask yourselves, if you didn't know what you looked like, how different a person you would be. My answer to myself is that I would be just like everyone else because I would have nothing to judge otherwise. I would be in the habit of knowing myself internally rather than externally where I put a meaning and judgement on myself according to what I should look like and what is acceptable according to the media's prescription of beauty. Divide and conquer is what comes to mind once again.

I am pretty sure that if I ask you not to look in the mirror for one week, you may think I am insane. How can I not look in the mirror? I have to go to work, I have to run errands. Who knows what people will think of me. That is too bad that many of us worry about how people will judge us according to our looks rather than according to who we REALLY are. So what applies here is that...you are what you see. This should not be. This aids in dividing oneness, it reinforces thoughts of completely being an individual on the Earth plane without any connection to the universe, just to the EGO.

I have shared exercises where you should look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful and so forth. In this exercise, I ask you to stand away from the mirror for as long as you possibly can. That may be all night after work, a weekend when you are off from work or even just a few hours per day. Feed yourself with positive thoughts about your physical self, such as I am beautiful, I am light, I am bringing my inside out. Do not focus on negative thoughts or say negative things about yourselves. When a negative thought comes up, simply ask yourself "If I didn't know what I looked like, how different a person would I be.

When we use projection or reflect between ourselves and others, we are saying I do not like (add thought) about you when really it is that dislike about them that we have in us that we do not like. This can be a great tool when healing ourselves and aids in becoming our better selves. Therefore, the mirror is in opposition to reflection as it deflects inner reflection by focusing on outer / external matter. In this way, instead of bringing us closer to molding the ego into one with higher consciousness, the mirror aids in increasing ego's individuality. Reflection V Deflection...more duality. Watch for those who invent ways to tear us apart, those who know that chaos holds us back from authenticity so they continue to create chaos.

01 February, 2019

See the Beauty in All Things / Raise Your Vibrations

Welcome, There are many ways to change habits and raise your vibrations. For this exercise, you will find the beauty in at least one thing everyday. I am not talking about things that you find beauty in all of the time. I am talking about new things. No matter where you are, look at the things around you. Find the beauty in everything. Please, do not look at something and pass it off as beautiful just to finish the exercise. Truly find the beauty in all things. Certainly, it is OK to start with just one thing per day. Even the letters on a building or a billboard can be beautiful because someone created them. Creation is beautiful and we are all creators. We all create in a unique way and none are wrong in their creations, especially when creating from the heart.