Saturday, July 20, 2019
You may want to read this page to see if you identify with any of these THOUGHTS, EXPERIENCES, FEELINGS, and EMOTIONS and to know that you are not alone. Maybe you will realize that sometimes we have to change the perspective in a situation, let go of things and people who no longer serve us and move on.
When I say to change the perspective in a situation, I mean that there is always a positive and a negative, opposites in everything in this HUMAN EXPERIENCE if you will. There is always CONTRAST and we have to work through that. We have to first realize contrast is always present, accept it and rather than fall into the negative, we see it for what or whom it is and change the perspective.
When I say to let go of things and people who no longer serve us, I do not mean that they serve us like servants. I mean that they do us more harm than good; therefore, there is not a mutual service in the relationship. For instance, if you are helping someone; you are allowing your energy to focus on areas other than on yourself (which is fine if your help is appreciated). WHERE YOUR FOCUS GOES, ENERGY FLOWS!
If you are not treated with respect for your time/energy and maybe even treated badly, then these people do not serve you and do not deserve your energy. They are wreaking havoc on your entire being (vibrations) if you let it persist. Stop resisting the inevitable. Just let them go. WHAT YOU RESIST PERSISTS. I have to say, what persists actually exists and manifests and is a manifestation that you will complain about.
Complaining about it only keeps the existence of that which you do not want. Why? Because ENERGY IS FLOWING WHERE YOUR FOCUS IS GOING! The more you complain the more that which you are complaining about grows. This is the law of attraction working. You manifest what you focus on the most. You are now surrounded by devastating negative experiences brought on by your resistance to simply let go.
You may be asking, “What do you mean simply?” You are right, it is not that simple until you realize that you are in a bad space, or that you are having a hard time fixing a situation or you cannot come out of a situation easily. This is what happened to me and the buck stops here. I let go of someone last year who no longer served anything positive in my life. People were unsatisfied with my decision so I once again caved in for the good of them while almost letting the stress from this one very selfish person put me in the hospital.
I cannot possibly write this story in one session so I will write it over a period of days. Further, I am not only writing this story for others to identify and help themselves; I also need to help myself. You see, I can typically see something for what it is; however, this I have trouble with because I was taken advantage of, used, mistreated, called out and lost almost everything due to an energy vampire. One who really does nothing for herself and survives on the means of other’s energy and money (still energy).
September 12, 2019
Three weeks and two days later I choose not to discuss this because misery loves company and that company will be more of what I focus on. You get the idea, I lost a lot and this family member does not deserve any more of my energy. You see, if she would have made it up to me by somehow correcting what she did, I would feel that she was genuinely apologetic. This was not the case; therefore, she no longer serves me and I have to let her go. As a family member, I can only let her go in certain ways. You are my daughter who treated me like a POS; therefore, I no longer have respect for you and you are suddenly like an acquaintance. I basically have to let go of the type of relationship that we have (mother and daughter) as this resonates with me because if I am treated like an acquaintance, then I have to accept that I am not considered her sacred mum and will not be surprised about the outcome. That is the easiest way for me to let go.
September 23, 2019
I want you to know that I have told you none of the details of what exactly happened and what I lost because this is not a vibration I want to hold. The more you talk about the things that bother you, the more they exist. I have been on a role about it since last year and for other things she did, before that. So for a few years, things in my life have been spiraling downhill. This is because when you focus on a thought for so long, it picks up momentum and is set into motion for manifestation. This is great when the manifestation is something that you want, but it is not so great when you do not want the manifestation.
No matter what you focus on becomes your reality. It matters not what that is. The law of attraction works every time. This is why I do not believe in people seeing a psychologist and the like. If I ever decide to see someone, it will be a coach, one who guides rather than prescribes. One who listens without judgment waiting to give a diagnosis. You see, the more you complain to a psychologist or therapist, the more you keep the wound open and the more you continue to add momentum and it’s like a never-ending nightmare. Rather than continue to keep the low vibration active, do some shadow work and let it go.
The planet has been dealing with a terrible injustice. The more you talk to a professional about negative experiences, the more you keep the negative experiences alive. The more momentum you give it, the lower your vibration becomes. The more people who do this, the lower the vibration becomes in that society. As you can imagine, it spreads and pollutes the planet with lower vibrations.
July 13, 2020
So, in time, if you allow, all wounds heal. I will not forget what she did because she never made it up to me, denies some of the things that happened and asked why I don't take resonsibility for what happened. That is how one takes the blame off of themselves and tries to have the victim take the blame with them. I did at the time. I said, yes, I take responsibility for listening to you and for trusting you. At that time she said, that is all. What? Yes, that is what happened. Is that not enough blame. Others agreed that was enough blame because that is exactly what happened.
As of today, I have dropped the resentment because why do I want to keep my energy there. It is her negative energy for creating it so she can have it and do with it what she will. I choose life and I do not like being an enemy to my child. I love her. In the end, it all comes back to you; unfortunately, that is what has been happening to her. As an explanation to you about the LOA, I mentioned that. She stayed in that negative vibe and was brought negative experiences. I chose to let it go and am slowly getting back on my feet once again. In my lesson, I will not help those who take advantage of me and mistake my kindness for weakness.
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