22 March, 2022

Conspiracy Theorist, Evil, Psychic or Simply a Powerful Being?

I am not on this blog as often as I would like to be. I tend to always have a lot on my plate. I created this blog quite a few years ago to discuss manifestation. I have shared exercises to raise your vibration as well as other exercises. The reason why I share the exercises is because in the 3rd dimension, it is nearly impossible to manifest instantly due to time and the fact that many people tend to endure fear which creates negative vibrations. Your vibration decides your manifestations which is dependent upon your belief system. In other words, if you have a low vibration, you will manifest that which matches that frequency. This is why you want to raise your vibration. That which you desire to bring into manifestation must match your frequency. This is why many people with low vibrations believe that the law of attraction does not work. It does work; however, many people manifest by default and think it doesn't work. The law of attraction works all of the time without fail. If you are manifesting by default rather than by intention, you will want to raise your vibration, learn creative visualization, focus and take a look at your beliefs. Your beliefs create your thought patterns, your emotions and therefor, your vibrations and reality.

In other words, you think you can manifest by thought alone but thought is only part of it. Without the desire, belief and a frequency that matches that which we desire to manifest, we manifest by default. We must become intentional manifestors. Set your intention and focus on the intention. It is extremely important to learn to focus rather than succomb to the purposeful distractions and fear created for humans in order to keep them in slumber.

We are super powerful beings living reality as it is given to us by beings who are able to easily manifest this horrific reality for us because we were indoctrinated at birth; yes, our belief systems were hijacked at birth as I have been saying for decades. The more we accept this forced reality, the more we acquiesse, the deeper down the rabbit hole each generation must go down. Those who choose to go down the rabbit hole and share what they discover are called crazy and conspiricy theorists. As you awaken, you will realize like many do that to those who create our reality, the definition of awakened is conspiracy theorist. They will not tell you that; rather, they insist that conspiracy theorists are those who speak out against a narrative that we are told. They cannot say we are calling the awakened conspiracy theorists because then the rest of you may awaken to this selfish mad game we call reality and then we will live in our power. This means that we will be able to manifest that which we desire and create our own realities, which is what we should be doing.

We are creators yet we live in a reality that was created by others. This reality began as a way to weaken our minds, bodies and power in order to keep humanity in slumber. Whenever it is clear that humanity is awakening to who they truly are, humanity suffers at the hands of those who have created reality for humanity. They say Jesus was crucified. Why? Why are you wearing a cross with a crucified rabbai around your necks? Do you think this honors him? What would honor him is to understand the words he told you and died for. He did not die for the sins of others, he died because he was enlightened. Why were witches hung and/or burned? They were enlightened and knew how to manipulate energy. There came a time where this was becoming more known and witches, the awakened and the enlightened were then call psychics; you know, the supernatural to hide the fact that this is natural to humans. You will notice the labels have become many. We are evil, witches, psychics, conspiracy theorists, etc. We are labeled everything other thann what we really are. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. In other words, one consciousness (God) knowing itself in many forms in order to see different perspectives. It is time you wake up to this reality.