12 October, 2019

Typical Belief System Part 1 (Oct. 2019) & Part II Dec. 2019)

There is a "Typical Belief System" among Western Civilizations

Welcome. If you noticed from posts from the past, I listen to and watch Eastern civilization's videos. Why? They never hid the truth from their people as did the elites in Western Civilization. Hiding who we really are and brainwashing us is a crime against humans. In fact, it is a crime against all consciousness because we are all one, one connected universe. Therefore; a crime against everything that exists.

For many years I have been posting about hyper-reality and brainwashing from the media and the effects they have on society. I researched, wrote about, and discussed nationalism and racism in 1984, hyper-reality, and the matrix / slave nation we are indoctrinated into at birth in 2006. The brainwashing in the matrix is to keep our belief system away from inner focus. 

I have been on sabbatical since 2013; taking a break from a doctoral program that I do not need. While on sabbatical; I chose to become a certified professional coach (CPC), a spiritual coach. This is more in line with who I am compared to a doctorate which is a credential that will inevitably tell me what I can and cannot discuss in my writings and complain about subjective research. I created the diagram below to briefly show you that your beliefs and reality belong to others.

We were indoctrinated into the matrix at birth as were our parents. If your parents chose to stay in the matrix; chances are, the brainwashing they endured was passed down to you and from you to your children. It really is time to break this cycle. First though, it is important for you to accept that you have been brainwashed. Many people throughout the years are in denial though. The diagram I created below briefly touches on our typical belief system. The reason why it is so easy for me to see what is going on is because I never did fit into the matrix. It is a horrible place where others have created a reality for us and it never worked for me. 

You are not supposed to be a puppet! If you read the beliefs in the diagram, you should see if you identify with any of them. There are only a few there. I can go on for hours, but I will not. I was never one for television (especially the news) or magazines or any type of media actually. I do love music but not on the radio because then I have to listen to bogus commercials that try to influence us to be this or be that and to buy the fastest car, biggest burger and best home. NOT FOR ME. I want the car and house of my dreams, not what was already created without my needs in mind.

We came here to create, not have our reality created for us. As long as you are plugged into the matrix, you are not the intentional creator of your life. You will continue to complain that the Law of Attraction (LOA) does not work; when, indeed it does. It is proven to us all day, everyday with each manifestation we create. Unfortunately, most of the manifestations that we create are unintentional and not what we want.

The reason is because we have a belief system that tells us who we are, tells us what we want and what to eat and how we should dress. We look in the mirror to see if we look the way we are "SUPPOSED TO LOOK." This is a crying shame, isn't it? I stopped looking at my body in the mirror a while back because it can show a reflection only of my outside world which had conditions attached to it. I wrote a post about this several months ago on this blog.

If you want to lose weight and try to manifest this goal; as long as you continue to look in the mirror to see if you are reaching your goal, you probably will not succeed. The reason is that there will be resistance. You cannot manifest that which you desire with resistance. Each time you look in the mirror and see yourself over-weight, you will continue to focus on the weight rather than the desired outcome and stay the same or gain more weight.

Exercise will not help you. All of the diets in the world will not help you. Your beliefs are the foundation of manifesting your desires. Your belief system is the core of life, your thoughts. Thoughts become your reality so your beliefs must be indicative to your desires. Instead, most focus on the lack of what they want to manifest and this is not natural. This focus on lack is attached to a belief system handed down from so-called leaders and media and marketing experts where everything you believe and think come from outside of yourself.

This is the goal. The goal to keep you away from your true selves. It is everywhere around us. Can you not see it? Can't you feel it? It is all the jibber-jabber that you hear in classrooms, on the television, radio, magazines and religious institutions. Here is a good one. In order to keep you from going inside to remember who you really are, you are told by religious leaders that you have to talk to someone outside of yourself to talk with G-d (God, Source, Higher Power). This is very opposite of the truth.

The truth is that you have to go through you. You are an extension of source as we all are so there is no need to go through anyone. Another crime against humanity and yet, the lies continue to come. This is also a crime against God, you see. As we are extensions of God, we are perfectly capable of going within our physical to reach our non-physical. As religions tell you to look outside of yourself, you are putting that person outside of yourself as larger than yourself, the extension of source. Why would I go through someone else to talk with myself?

More on this later. This post will be extended at a later date and the continuation will be dated separately from today's date. Thank you! GET UNPLUGGED!

29, December 2020


Here are some beliefs I see all of the time.

~ [If] you exercise regularly you will lose weight (conditional). The truth is that you can exercise your heart's content and as long as you focus on the weight you haven't lost, you may lose a little weight, stay the same or gain more weight. Funny thing...the law of attraction gives you exactly what you ask for. You attract what you focus on. Energy grows where your focus goes ~ Energy grows where attention flows! 

~ [If] you diet, you will lose weight (conditional). The same rule applies as above. Focus on the weight you have and you will attract more of it.

~ [If] you work hard you will be able to afford the things you want (conditional). This is a great way to make you believe (belief system) that you cannot have the house or car of your dreams without first busting butt. This is not true. Question...why do you want to bust your butt to buy a home that will take you 30 years to pay off? You may be 50, 60 or even 70 when you finally pay off the mortgage. You are supposed to enjoy life at all ages, not just when you are kids and right before you die. This is the belief system here in the United States, correct? You turn 16, a big celebration, you turn 18 and suddenly you are able to move out of your parent's house whether or not you are responsible and then off to work. We know how the drinking age changed from 18 to 21 because many kids are not mature at 18. At 21 you are legally allowed to drink. You bust butt for all of the middle years and then, and only then, are you eligible for social security. Now is the time (in retirement) to have fun and to see what you have never seen before. BOGUS! 

~ [If] you communicate with Jesus 1st, you will be able to communicate with God (a lie & conditional). You are not a body with a soul. You are a soul with a body. Very easy concept to understand, even though you were taught to believe the opposite. You are an extension of source (God, higher-self, etc.). All you have to do is go within and all of your answers are there. This is how Jesus lived. He knew he was an extension of source, he knew he was spirit in a human body and he lived through spirit rather than ego. He lived through higher consciousness and some people call this Christ consciousness. Buddha, the Tao, psychics, and witches all shared this information. They were tortured, burned, hung and nailed for sharing the truth. Basically, if you live like them, through your higher selves rather than ego, you can live like them. Magic is not assigned to a portion of the population, we all have the same abilities. Go inside and communicate with God.

~ You should identify as a biological race (there are none biologically, it is a social construct) There is more variation in human populations that live together than there are between the so-called races around the world. I typically identify as human and have for as long as I can remember. That is who I am. I would identify as consciousness; however, I choose to live :) Separating the HUMAN Race into sub-races has caused nothing but superiority, social class and war. The truth is that climate changes skin color and features. This is how we protect ourselves against harsh environmental conditions. We are one because we come from one source and we are extremely high vibrational and powerful. We are natural creators who can easily bring our desires into manifestation. Many of us don't because the beliefs we have become our constant thoughts turning into words and actions and then manifestations. If you are separated by race, you are separated from the whole. You are told to believe certain things as a whole as in society and yet when there are consequences for your actions that come from the beliefs that were shoveled down your throats, you are independently responsible for them depending on your race. This will not end as long as the rest of you continue to identify as a separate race rather than refusing to. I say the rest of you because there are many of us who choose spirituality over institutionalization. This means that we live reality while others live one created for them in the matrix. 

[If] you want answers to some of the most important questions we have as a species (human), you must conduct objective research rather than subjective research (a lie and conditional).  Without a doubt, the United States and, well, all of western civilization has been ruled by white anglo-saxon protestants who still speak to us from their graves. (This is not me being racist because when I am asked what I am I either say human, American or when someone has to have a more definitive answer, I am white). Telling us to use the scientific method and only other forms of objective research can provide us only with some answers. Today, science is finally catching up with consciousness and who we really are, energy. I would love to believe that they are finally catching up; however, everything real has been hidden from us and replaced with B.S. Finally, there are too many of us out here sharing the truth that the truth has to come about. 

I can go on; however, I am finished for this sesh. Have a happy and healthy new year. Be good to yourselves and treat others as you would have others treat you. 

06 September, 2019

You See, Manifestation Does Work

It has been almost 5 years since I started writing this blog regarding manifestation (Jan. 2015), before that created Creators of Our Lives dot com to share that we are the creators of our reality (2012). I created Sewing Social worlds which focused on social justice, hyper-reality and the matrix we should unplug from (2007), and before that, the focus was on racism and supremacy. There were many more and with those when I learned about facebook pages and groups, I created one for each website that I created.

Since then, last year in February or March of 2018, I lost all of my websites along with a home and a few vehicles. I only gained the websites back a few months ago (as I am getting back on track) and I am starting all over with them. I do have articles in a backup file that I have not had a chance to look through as I have been extremely busy with an event I am holding (Kindred Souls Festival ~ The Human Experience). My point here is that I have many interests that focus on healing ourselves and Earth. Regarding this blog, I have posted exercises for you to practice in order to begin focusing on yourselves. Other posts discuss raising your vibration.

I am aware that many people believe that the law of attraction does not work and that they cannot manifest that which they desire. This is not the case though. I have heard on other social network platforms that this blog helps people and I am taking a guess that for others, they feel like the exercises are a waste of time because they are looking for instant gratification with regard to manifesting. If you are on an all-time high vibrationally, sure, manifestation does not take as long as it does for others. For many people, dealing with the day to day stress of waking up and getting ready for work and school, traveling to those places, spending 6 to 12 hours per day in those places and then traveling back home, they have forgotten who they are. They are rapped in the matrix where the media prescribes their beauty and everything in the reality created for them by the matrix.

Many humans know not what it is to create their own reality. It is necessary for some of us to show others that they do not dedicate time in their day for "me-time." Without spending time with yourself and spending all of your time in the matrix, pretty much makes one a robot and a slave to the matrix. It is hard to remain positive all of the time when you are consistently doing things for others. You may feel good bringing home that paycheck that many times is not enough to pay for anything you want after all of the bills are paid; however, this is something you bust your butt for in order to keep a roof over your head. What are you doing to make yourself feel better? What are you doing to manifest that which you desire? You are manifesting a paycheck and those you work for are manifesting their dreams on your hard work. You see, manifestation does work. You just have to do it intentionally in order to manifest your intentional goals rather than manifest for others or manifest that which you lack from that which you desire. More on this in the next post.

05 September, 2019

Introducing SPJRIT DOT COM



For almost 5 years, this blog has had visitors and I never pushed to leave comments because I wanted people to practice the exercises I posted and not have to worry about commenting. It has been more about practice. From now on, I will periodically add spiritual partners and friends in order for you to expand your horizons. I start here with SPJRIT DOT COM as we both have blogs and live as our authentic selves. The journey in life may seem difficult; however, our experiences along the journey all lead to the same direction. That is becoming closer to being our authentic selves. 

In the near future, I intend to interview Benjamin (SPJRIT) and I will post that interview here.

05 July, 2019

Fit Self-Mindfulness into Your Schedule

Magic, living through our higher selves, living as energy and through vibrations is certainly not a new concept. It was hidden to Western civilization to the point where witches were burned at the stake. Anything magical belonged in movies.
Other civilizations were and still are very open about who we really are. We have natural born gifts and if not practiced, they are forgotten about to the point where we do not know that we possess them.
I have shared exercises on this blog for the past few years and as more and more people are finally in public discussing our gifts including the law of attraction, you will hear different exercises from different people. I watched a video last week and heard the narrator say that it is not necessary to use post it notes and boards in order to raise your vibration to intentionally manifest. Do not listen to that because although we are all capable of manifesting, we are in different places in our lives due to programming and our different schedules.
Some of us may be too busy during the week with work and then family on the weekend. If this is the case and you do not have time to meditate at this point or to be mindful of your thoughts, thought patterns, words, feelings, emotions and actions, you will need a reminder. You see, after reading these notes and/or boards for a certain amount of time, due to being reminded each day, you will form new habits. The first habit being mindful of yourself.
This is the problem, we chase everything everyday; however, we do not chase ourselves. If we do not have time to pencil ourselves into a schedule, we will continue the same patterns without being mindful of self. You may write on a post it "I Am worthy," and you will not feel worthy the first time you look at it because you are not focusing on how it feels to be worthy. You may be brushing your teeth instead while reading the post it but eventually you will be in the habit of saying you are worthy. That is one step in the process and it is like like multi-tasking which has become so popular. You can brush your teeth while creating a habit if that works for your schedule.
Now, you have that out of the way, when you have a few minutes, maybe before you fall asleep, you can actually focus on what it feels like to be worthy. This is a process so it is best to do what accommodates your schedule (unfortunately) so that you do not give up. When you give up on yourself because you cannot meet your goals, you lose credibility within yourself. When you do not trust yourself, you don't trust that you can manifest your desires. So please do not give up on post it notes if you have a busy schedule or if you are forgetful. If you feel you are not manifesting intentionally, then do what works for you.
As are we so you must do you!

08 June, 2019

Let them Go and Live Your Best Life

Welcome, One of the best gifts you can give yourself is to let the people in your life who don't deserve your time go. Just let them go. As much as it hurts (and sometimes it does not), let them go. If you have given countless amounts of hours helping people and they do not help you, if you have put yourself in a position to help people from your heart space, even if it did not sit right with you and they deny you helped them, don't see your time as valuable, expect you to suffer on account of them, let them go. Let go of that which no longer serves you. You are not here to serve anyone who does not appreciate what you do. Some of us learn the hard way and it is difficult enough letting friends go, but family is different.

I have been a carpet for my children to walk over and in fact, I have been their toilet. I was warned for years from many people who said let them go. They are disrespectful and all they do is use you. No one wants to accept that; I did not want to believe that until one of my daughters showed her true colors time and again to the point of verbally and mentally abusing me. I cut her off in January of 2017 and again last year and for the sake of another daughter, I chose to be cordial as she asked so we can all see each other as a family. This was a small percentage of the reason I tried to stay cordial. I, unfortunately, have no forgiveness in my heart for this reckless being but my youngest daughter asked me to be nice to her until we gather our belongings that are on her property. Also, my granddaughter lived with us for 8 years, and for most of those 8 years, I raised her so they were raised as sisters and she does not want to lose that relationship.

This reckless being cussed me out in text a couple of weeks ago and called me a piece of sh!! mother and other things and said it was because of something that was said about her from my mouth that embarrassed her. To date, she always tells her business and actually let this information out to someone herself and rather than ask me, she cussed me out and told me to never contact her and her kids. As if I wanted to after that. The bottom line is that I had a phone conversation with someone we both know, the woman knew everything about this reckless being and I was shocked. She also mentioned things about the reckless person's friend that I responded to. My eldest, in being nosy and listening in on the phone call (only heard me speaking, not the other person) had the nerve to put only my words together as the whole story and assumed I was saying things about my reckless daughter (her sister) when in fact I was talking about someone else.

You will hardly ever hear a negative personal story on this blog, as you can check back for years, they are always positive. This is being posted because these are my children who are full of assumptions and treat their mom like trash. The lesson here; none of us deserve to be treated like trash at all, but especially when we have taken years of our lives to help others. We are NOT responsible for the lives of others and should not be expected to do anything for them unless they are our minor children and our parents. Those you bring into the world and those who brought you into the world. If they abuse you and your time, let them go.

You are here on your own journey and they have their own to navigate. If they stop you from following your path, they are not worth having in your life. Drama and chaos are negative and bring down your vibrations. In order to manifest anything good in your life, you need to raise your vibrations. Leave the users and emotional / energy vampires behind. If I have helped people to the point of losing everything and they don't care, admit it and/or help...they just move on and then start arguments as not to admit what they have done...I had to let it go. People who use you need you for something. You are not here to be used. It is always the one using calling another a user, it is always a piece of sh!! mother calling another a Piece of sh!! mother. It is always a liar calling someone else a liar. It is called reflection...tell them to look in the mirror!

I have posted this before about letting go in previous posts. Let go of the baggage. The good news for my youngest daughter and I is that the one person who typically helps us out of the selfish daughter mess is now showering us with hope and gifts and that is simply because these people who I let destroy us, who put themselves ahead of our loss again are no longer in our lives. One likes to feel that if they are helping us time and again (because my heart is too big to say no) that there will be no more destruction, abuse, and disrespect and maybe fix what you did before gaining more for yourselves.

I know there are people reading this going through similar situations (I have spoken to some of you) and it is a disgusting reality; however, we can change that reality by being tough enough to let it go. Just let it go. Don't wait for someone to give you an intervention when it is them who need one, don't wait for people to call you names that they mean to call themselves but it feels better to call someone else those names. Deal with your life and let them deal with theirs. You have helped beyond your limits and it affects other people in your life. Trust me, the other people who have to deal with you going out of your way to help others and watch you get crapped on, they throw in the towel before you realize you have been used and abused. Simply, let go. NAMASTE

20 March, 2019

Where His / Her Shoes and Let it Go


I realize that there are things that people do that make us think. Why does he do that? Why did she say that? Becoming annoyed at things that people do and holding resentment is not good for you. "Becoming" we automatically come to BE. We are coming into the being of annoyance. Therefore, we hold a vibration of annoyance. People do things for their own reasons and we don't have to understand why. If you know people who do things that annoy you; indeed, you may ask them why they do those annoying things in a kind way and without starting an argument. For people you don't know; simply put yourself in their shoes.

Why put yourself in their shoes? Let me give you an example. I am very analytical in nature and highly aware of what goes on around me. Those characteristics make for a person who many times does not understand the "stupidity of..." Rather than becoming annoyed at people who cut me off almost causing accidents I put myself in their shoes. When people drive 10 mph when everyone else is doing the speed limit of 35 or 45 and they look at me in the mirror to see my reaction, I put myself in their shoes. I ask why I would do something like that. After you do that a few times, you stop asking why you would do something like that and suddenly you start thinking maybe he did that because...

For the people who cut me off like their lives are in danger I say, "Why would I do something like that?" I wouldn't so I come up with maybe he is in a hurry because he is impatient. Maybe there is an emergency. I cannot change his tolerance level by becoming annoyed at him, right? If he has an emergency, I hope it is not life-threatening. Further, we cannot immediately change what people are doing on the road so we must simply be aware of what is going on and let people do what they do.
For the people who drive 10 in a 45 and look for a response in the mirror; well, it seems they have nothing better to do. I have been in conversations in my head trying to justify why people do that. It is better than becoming annoyed and causing an accident or an argument. I think, maybe she doesn't have control in her life and she is showing she has control on the road. Maybe she just wants attention. Maybe she gets off on annoying people. I cannot change any of these things; however, I have an understanding that this person for some reason needs attention. Her hazards are not on, so I can assume she is just acting out. I don't zoom ahead of her. I patiently wait until the lane I will move into is clear and safely move into the next lane. Then as I am looking for the slow lady to be behind me so I can go back into the lane I was originally in, the 10 mph lady speeds up so I can't get in the lane. At this point, I laugh and send good vibes to the miserable person.

Things are going to happen no matter what. The important thing to do is to react in a positive manner for positive outcomes. There is NO better outcome than a positive one.

26 February, 2019

Live in the Now / Moment


Many times we have so much on our minds that we do not live in the moment, which is why we miss so much beauty in life. There are times that I am driving or just sitting around in front of the computer with so many thoughts that I am multitasking or overthinking. This is common for me but it is not healthy and I have to take a breath and say "In the moment, in the moment." At that point, I empty my mind and say none of this matters now. I am then able to see beauty and appreciate it.
Since excitement/joy raises our vibrations and brings us closer to our higher selves, it is important to live in the moment and see the beauty in things that excite us and give us joy. Or to have a clear mind to think of things that bring us joy. Excitement carries a very high vibration. It is felt and shared with the universe. Remember, you want to match the frequencies to those things that you desire. Therefore; it is beneficial to all of us to live in the frequency of excitement as much as we can. Until this becomes a habit, purposely clear your mind at least 3 times per day and look for the beauty in the moment.

16 February, 2019

Analyze Your Thoughts


Many of our thoughts do not serve us. This is because many of our thoughts are negative. They may not seem negative while we are thinking; however, if you put yourself down without realizing you are doing so, you will realize it when you experience the negative outcome. When you create a goal and notice you are close but haven't reached it in your timing and give up, you have created the reason why you did not reach the goal. When you make a promise you cannot keep because you didn't put enough thought into the reality of the outcome, you again, created a negative outcome.

Thinking back at a time a short time ago when I had a gig and was thinking about what I should wear and thinking, I won't fit in, I can tell you now that that was a thought that made me step back from myself and question why I thought that. There is no fitting in. I asked myself why I was thinking what I was thinking and self said "I want to be accepted." Then I thought, how terrible a thought. I have been preaching for years how we should disconnect and be more aware of the media's prescriptions for beauty, which is garbage. All I have to focus on is talent, honor, dignity, integrity and morality. In the 80's I did not have another female DJ to make a fashion statement as to how female DJs dressed and acted. I was that statement, because it was just me. It was't until the 90s that I heard about another female DJ and she was in California. I would not have changed a thing anyway. I never dressed totally like a female or a male. I am certainly not going to let the many half-naked female DJs make a fashion statement for me today. I listen to you for your particular talent, not your clothes. So, it is important to catch and analyze the thoughts that will wind up creating a negative outcome.

Nip it in the bud. Negative thoughts grow and give birth to negative outcomes. Simply take that thought and question why you feel that way. As you become aware of your thought patterns and change them, it becomes a habit to think different thought and you will find yourselves analyzing your thought less.

14 February, 2019

Ridding of Toxic People


I mentioned decluttering in the last post. It is just as important to rid of people who do not serve you as it is to rid of belongings. So now we will discuss getting toxic people out of our lives. As I mentioned once in a post, I do not like talking about my personal life here when it comes to negativity; however, if we do not own our negative experiences and work through them, we cannot release them to make room for positive experiences. Staying in a negative state does not raise our vibration.

So, Until the other day, I had a person in my life who has extreme mood swings. We last saw each other in 1996, no, 1997 when my mom passed away. I found her on Facebook in 2012. For the last seven years I have dealt with verbal abuse (on and off). If she didn't get her way, I was insulted about the home I lived in while she was renting a room from a friend. I was called so many names. I was told that I should get rid of people in my life that she didn't think were good for me. I said, you are not necessarily good for me, how about I put you on the list of toxic people. I said you are no better than anyone. No one is better than another. She said, "That is B.S. I know I am better than other people.

I swore that the times we argued would be the last time we spoke because I should not have to be abused mentally. She is a cruel person without a filter. Especially after a night a few years ago when she was bad mouthing my ex and other things while I was driving to the point where her foul mouth and negativity got to me so bad that I wanted to vomit. I had to kick her out of my car. I am incapable of feeling such negativity because as am empath, I feel all of it and have to release it or I get sick. Lowering my vibration is draining. We talked on and off again after that.

About 2 days ago, we were texting as usual because talking is too much if something negative comes out. True, I enjoy texting because I can multi-task while texting but I preferred texting this person as not to hear snideness, manipulation and that better then though voice. After she did not like an answer to a question she asked, she started with the insults; however, they did not bother me like they use to. The insults just sort of bounced off of me because after going through some bad experiences with my daughter for over a year, I isolated and did some shadow work which helped me to work through, rethink and rid of those negative experiences. Now I have room for more experiences and better experiences because I am recharged and on a higher frequency.

Trust me, letting go of the past and of negative baggage, guilt and fear (dealing with karma) raises your vibration automatically. This is why you hear people say that the weight has been lifted after they resolve something. Everything must come full circle. Anyway, we are no longer friends on Facebook and we are no longer texting. We have known each other for 28 years and although it would be nice to have a positive ongoing friendship; realistically, it cannot happen when a person is negative, is in denial, is mentally abusive and holds herself on a pedestal. Toxicity has to be removed from our lives in order to vibrate higher and bring that which we desire into manifestation.

12 February, 2019



Take a day or separate this exercise into different times according to the time you have free. Please make sure that if you choose to do this in a day that you keep your word to yourself and complete the task in one day. You may want to think about it first and decide the best timing. Remember, word is bond and if we do not keep our word to ourselves and others, we show a lack of integrity and we do not trust ourselves, so how then can we use our thoughts and words to manifest that which we desire if we do not believe our words.

Clean out your house. Go through closets and that miscellaneous box that you have had for over a decade. If there are things that you do not want, need or have not used in years, why keep it. Keep it simple. Clutter is confusing and I have found that when we put things away, we become accountable for these things and they take up space in our minds and for no good reason. We are not using them. Everything must come full circle, complete. So when we hold on to a box and say, I will get back to it, we are still holding on. We need to clear clutter, clear negativity and that which no longer serves us. This includes certain people who are negative which I will discuss in my next blog post.

We want to make room for things that we desire, so if we are filled with clutter and have unresolved issues, there is no room for the better things that we want to have.

11 February, 2019

Always Do Your Best

Welcome, In doing the exercises I post here, i hope that you do not become discouraged. I know that many of us do for many things in life. I remember when I first stopped smoking, well as I was cutting down before I stopped in 2007, I was doing well but because I was still smoking (cutting down daily) I was discouraged. I was doing a good job and eventually stopped smoking and I didn't always see that. For years, I kicked a habit at least once per year. One year I stopped drinking caffeine about 15 or 16 years ago and drank decaf soda and tea. The next year I chose to stop drinking soda so maybe once or twice per year I may have a few sips. Something new each year. Tonight, I had a question about something that I did, and my fortune said always do your best. That answered my question.

We can't kick ourselves in our butts when we are doing our best because our best is all that we can do. All things come in time if we genuinely want them. Please do not put yourselves down. The best we can do is our best and that is authentic. We want to be our authentic selves and our authentic selves strive for the best WE can do. Not the best according to others. Practice loving yourselves and realize that we all have things to learn and that there are things we want to change about ourselves and our best gets us there.

When raising your vibrations, there will be days that you feel like you are having a bad day and that your vibrations are low. We all have days that we do not love and that is because we have not been taught to love them. There are experiences that we do not like but we can learn from them which makes us reach our better selves. Once we know how to deal with situations, we know better what to do next time. The same thing applies to shadow work. if you are working on raising your vibrations by facing your fears and working through and letting go of past "bad" experiences, then you are raising your vibration. This all takes time.

08 February, 2019

Word is Bond Part One

Welcome, It is important to keep your word, to yourself as well as others. For those of us running around saying my word is my bond, great! Do you keep your word to yourself though? How can we manifest without faith / belief. If you tell yourself you are going to do something, let's say for yourself, and you do not keep your word, you are acting in opposition to what you said you are going to do. Once this becomes a habit, you may not know it, but you cannot trust your words. How then can you manifest that which you desire?

This exercise is for learning to trust your words. This is part one. Watch yourself for a few days by paying attention to things that you say you are going to do. Generally, when we say that we are going to do something, we have an image in our heads of that thing we are going to do, and many times we imagine it from start to finish. This is very normal and healthy. This is what sets our thoughts, words and emotions into action. If, we do not follow through, we broke our word to self. We must trust our words in order to manifest positive things. So, tune into your thoughts for the next few days and notice when you tell someone or tell yourself that you are going to do something and see if you keep your word. What is it you are thinking when you failed to keep your word? Do you make excuses to yourself and others as to why you are not going to do what you committed to? Did you forget? Simply tune in and see what you learn.

04 February, 2019

The Real Bad Words

Welcome, Bad words were created to make us think that all of the other words we use are Good words. Do you like the way that panned out? Many cuss words have their origins in the Germanic language. Shit meant obnoxious person so how is it a "Bad Word?" If we are taught there are words that we should avoid because they are disrespectful, then they have found yet another way for us to be fooled.

The real "Bad Words" are actually words that are hateful toward others and ourselves. Saying I am stupid, I am fat, I am ugly and saying things to insult others are bad words because those words come from thoughts that create our reality. Rather than teach our children what bad words really are, we take the focus off of teaching them the way they should talk in order to manifest that which they desire and put the focus on bogus words instead. This matrix of B.S. that many humans are a part of is simply a dumbded down society filled with puppets and the puppeteers know every trick to divert us from our natural selves.

For this exercise; and maybe this is not really an exercise, rather it is word awareness, I would like you to discover "YOUR" bad words that you use daily. Real bad words, not the ones we are told are bad words and called curse, cuss and swear words. Here are some examples of "bad words."

Bad Words


Wish I wish I had

When When I then I will but until then



You get the idea. Take those words OUT of your vocabulary. Those are bad words! Replace them with positive words like I am and I have.

02 February, 2019

The Exercise of "The Wo/Man in the Mirror

Welcome, Who invented the mirror? Although nature invented the mirror (volcanic glass, other elements, water), 200 years ago according to Live Science, Justus von Liebig, a German chemist invented the mirror that we use today (perfected upon by others after him). The mirror is another way to separate us from our authentic selves. Ask yourselves, if you didn't know what you looked like, how different a person you would be. My answer to myself is that I would be just like everyone else because I would have nothing to judge otherwise. I would be in the habit of knowing myself internally rather than externally where I put a meaning and judgement on myself according to what I should look like and what is acceptable according to the media's prescription of beauty. Divide and conquer is what comes to mind once again.

I am pretty sure that if I ask you not to look in the mirror for one week, you may think I am insane. How can I not look in the mirror? I have to go to work, I have to run errands. Who knows what people will think of me. That is too bad that many of us worry about how people will judge us according to our looks rather than according to who we REALLY are. So what applies here is that...you are what you see. This should not be. This aids in dividing oneness, it reinforces thoughts of completely being an individual on the Earth plane without any connection to the universe, just to the EGO.

I have shared exercises where you should look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful and so forth. In this exercise, I ask you to stand away from the mirror for as long as you possibly can. That may be all night after work, a weekend when you are off from work or even just a few hours per day. Feed yourself with positive thoughts about your physical self, such as I am beautiful, I am light, I am bringing my inside out. Do not focus on negative thoughts or say negative things about yourselves. When a negative thought comes up, simply ask yourself "If I didn't know what I looked like, how different a person would I be.

When we use projection or reflect between ourselves and others, we are saying I do not like (add thought) about you when really it is that dislike about them that we have in us that we do not like. This can be a great tool when healing ourselves and aids in becoming our better selves. Therefore, the mirror is in opposition to reflection as it deflects inner reflection by focusing on outer / external matter. In this way, instead of bringing us closer to molding the ego into one with higher consciousness, the mirror aids in increasing ego's individuality. Reflection V Deflection...more duality. Watch for those who invent ways to tear us apart, those who know that chaos holds us back from authenticity so they continue to create chaos.

01 February, 2019

See the Beauty in All Things / Raise Your Vibrations

Welcome, There are many ways to change habits and raise your vibrations. For this exercise, you will find the beauty in at least one thing everyday. I am not talking about things that you find beauty in all of the time. I am talking about new things. No matter where you are, look at the things around you. Find the beauty in everything. Please, do not look at something and pass it off as beautiful just to finish the exercise. Truly find the beauty in all things. Certainly, it is OK to start with just one thing per day. Even the letters on a building or a billboard can be beautiful because someone created them. Creation is beautiful and we are all creators. We all create in a unique way and none are wrong in their creations, especially when creating from the heart.

29 January, 2019

Change your words by Changing your thoughts

Welcome, The way we talk is due to the way we think. Thinking the way many people think is a result of cultural paradigms within their own culture handed down by their ancestors. Whereas, dominant cultural paradigms are extensions thereof created by governments and their bosses. In western civilization our ideas/paradigms are a mixture of our ancestors cultural paradigms to an extent and social conditioning which is derived from the dominant cultural paradigms created by cultural capitalists. If one does not follow the dominant cultural paradigm, they have a hard time fitting in and people say that is due to a lack of assimilation, among other things. If we were taught to be our greatest selves, we would say things such as I am abundant, rather than WHEN I go to college for 6 years and graduate, I HOPE to find a good job that WILL pay a good wage. THEN I will be happy and have money to buy a house. WHEN this WHEN that, UNTIL this UNTIL that. What are we waiting for? I remember inquiring as a child how long we WAIT through an entire lifetime. I understood as a child that all humans do is wait. We wait for everything as if what we desire is unreachable until certain conditions are met that are external rather than us knowing that what we desire can be manifested internally. We must go inside. The deliberate social / cultural indoctrination created by cultural capitalists in Western civilization was created in a way that draws human souls into slavery by using money as a tool. This way it feels like choice rather than force. When your child tells you they want to be an astronaut, a magician, the president or what have you, it is wrong to say that is all in your imagination. You can't do that. You are right, it is all in their imaginations and that is why they CAN manifest that which they desire. We have to learn to change our paradigm in order to change our words. When a child asks why he has to do something, an answer is the greatest response. Saying because I am your mother or I am your father or saying because I said so is not good enough. What dos that teach them. I am afraid that parents use those phrases because they do not actually have an answer. Mommy, why can't I run around and say I am perfect, I am good, I am a super hero, I am the president? There really is no good reason a child should not be able to do this. Children use their imaginations because they are supposed to. Parents dumb it down because they were taught to do so without even knowing it. This is the real dumbing down of society. It is due to the phrases that we were taught to use from deliberate social / cultural indoctrination. Telling people to be realistic is telling them that what they imagine is not real. Telling people that rich people are greedy and evil is embedding in their minds that one should not be rich. Telling people to have faith and to be hopeful in the same breath is an oxymoron. Why? You must have faith because it is belief that something will happen. When you are hopeful, you simply hope, you do not have faith. These negative words are all over the place. When you shop online, you have a choice to put items on your wish list. Why do you want it on a wish list? If you wish for it, you will continue to do so which gives wishing the upper hand. Since you are responsible for yourself, you are responsible for your thoughts and words. The more you say I hope, I wish, and I want, the more you will go on hoping, wishing and wanting. I am (insert word) is what you have to say. "I Am" states that you are in the now. That is the difference between manifesting your desires and not. Hoping, wishing and wanting are words we should throw away unless you like BEING HOPEFUL, WISHFUL and WANTful. What about fulfill (come full circle)? Don't hope, wish or want to be. Just BE. You are a BEING. Hopes, wishes and wants are what you expect to see in the future. BEING is NOW, it is I AM. We are beings...we are now. We are being not hoping. Are we human hopings, are we human wishings, are we human wantings? No, we are human BEings, To be or not to be. I think; therefore, I am. Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Matthew 12:37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” – Buddha "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think." Buddha “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” – Buddha “Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others.” – Buddha "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." Jesus Christ Mark 11:24-5 "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." 25- "And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."

27 January, 2019

New Exercise

Welcome So we realize the importance of relaxing so that we can focus and we realize that certain sounds / mantras feel good and raise our vibrations. We have also taken into account that gratitude is magnitude so we are waking up and saying what we are grateful for something. We are not letting others ruin our days because we do not need the negative vibes. What else have we discussed? Oh, how we should look in the mirror, or not and say something positive about ourselves each morning such as I love myself, I am worthy, I am love, I am abundance, whatever you feel comfortable with. If you have to use sticky notes on mirrors, the fridge or wherever is best for you, do so. We should also realize by now that we have to make time throughout each day to spend time with self... more focus on self...self-realization. If you don't go within, you will go without. Ideally, we should meditate at least one hour per day; however, if you can only find time for 15 minutes for now, that will work. Simply get in a comfortable position and be silent. Focus only on self. If you have not cleared the negative energy from the day, now is the time to do so. Choose something that bothered you and remember how it made you feel. Go through the emotions and then forgive yourself or the other person if you can. If you were bothered by another, put yourself in that person's shoes and find a reason as to why that person did what they did. Then let it go. Make sure to feel your emotions and how they may have felt deeply and try to forgive. There are times when something cannot be resolved unless we talk with the other person and if this is the case, choose a good time to do this. What we want to do always is learn from all experiences, including the negative ones. There is always something to learn. We take from negative experiences and let them go. If we learn to do this right away, then we don't have all of this negative energy bogging us down and lowering our vibrations. See it, feel it, make amends if need be and LET IT GO. If another harmed you, you may tell them so. They need to know how you feel and hopefully they will feel what you felt and apologize. I am sorry only works when the other party honestly accepts the apology and forgives. Everything must be complete...full circle. Let's not leave karma for a later time or another incarnation. Live in the NOW.

20 January, 2019

Learn How to Trust Your Intuition

Welcome, We were taught to use intellect over intuition which is a shame. What this means without actually stating so is, use your brain which is limited rather than become self-realized where intuition will guide you. In other words, the ego is accepted as truth and intuition is is accepted as a guess. One is objective and one is subjective on Earth. Have you noticed that epistemology is taught in college rather than grade school? By the time epistemology is taught to us, we are already brainwashed and we are taught about objectivity and subjectivity. The elite do not want children questioning why it is accepted that to know, one must base facts on objective research. Exercise for trusting my intuition Typically, when people eat, they use their eyes to see what they are putting in their mouths. This is saying that we trust our eyes rather than our intuition. You may trust closing your eyes while eating mashed potatoes but what about an apple? Apples have seeds, do you trust yourself? I am not telling anyone to do this exercise if they are not comfortable doing so and certainly not a child. If you choose to do this exercise and you are a child, please inform your parents. If you are an adult, choose food that is best for you to do this exercise. I simply close my eyes and eat fruit until the fruit is gone, accept for the core and seeds. I keep my eyes closed the whole time without accidentally biting into the core or seeds.

19 January, 2019

Review and Some Thoughts

Welcome. A quick review of what is posted here: Discussions of sounds such as OM that have vibrations which resonate within our inner selves and talk to certain energies within. Focusing on self-worth by waking up and telling ourselves that we are worthy. Focusing on gratitude before bed by letting go of the negative things that happened throughout the day and stating something that we are grateful for. In being grateful, you are giving thanks and allowing that vibration to open up and bring more things to be grateful and thankful for. Gratitude is magnitude. We will discuss later about negative experiences had throughout the day. We are trying to bury the negative experiences by thinking of something to be grateful for, rather we are trying to raise our vibration from the negative experience that we had during the day which in essence can lower our vibrations. We should deal with negative experiences as they arise but we will get to that later. Remember that you can use post its to help you remember by sticking them to your fridge and bathroom mirror. Also effective is to use sticky notes by your door so that when you leave and return home you are reminded that you are worthy, that you are (fill in). I have heard that some people post notes above their beds. A new post will follow later tonight.