24 January, 2022

Ways To Raise Your Vibration

It has been a while since last I wrote on this blog. These times are different and very difficult for some. The fear that we are seeing keeps society and OUR planet in lower vibrations. Humans are bickering, dividing and taking sides according to their political ideologies, who took the injection and who did not, pro-life or pro-choice, transgender and cisgender, etc.

It is very important in these times that we raise our vibrations. We need to raise the frequency on this planet and let humans wake up in their own time. Some will stay in slumber and some of these humans may be our family and friends. As mush as this may hurt, please continue to navigate your journey because we need your light to overcome the darkness.


1. Grab a spray bottle and fill it with water. Add to the water your favorite essential oils. I like to mix lavendar and peppermint. It not only smells good but scorpions do not like it. I spray this around the house a few times per week. I spray baskets, fake plants, curtains, tapestry, pillows, cushions and anything that has material on it.

2. Create projects that make your home more YOU. Yes, be creative. It will make you feel good about yourself and you will be able to see these things everyday.

3. Soak your feet in epsom salt. I use lavendar epsom salt. The smell is soothing, the warm water is relaxing and the fact that you are caring for yourself by making "you time" will raise your vibration.

4. Journaling can be effective for shadow work. Once you release lower vibrations from dusting those shadows you will raise you vibration. When you write, it helps you stay on point so it may be easier for you to move quickly through your shadow work.

5. Movement: Sing, dance do yoga or whatever it is that makes you happy.

6. Focus and meditation

7. Practice creative visualization and do it with passion

8. Astral project!

9. Get out in nature. It is who we are!!!

10. Find something to be grateful for everyday. You can't just say it. You will know you are grateful when you feel it in your heart and gut. It is a feeling of hapiness and satisfaction.

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