12 October, 2019

Typical Belief System Part 1 (Oct. 2019) & Part II Dec. 2019)

There is a "Typical Belief System" among Western Civilizations

Welcome. If you noticed from posts from the past, I listen to and watch Eastern civilization's videos. Why? They never hid the truth from their people as did the elites in Western Civilization. Hiding who we really are and brainwashing us is a crime against humans. In fact, it is a crime against all consciousness because we are all one, one connected universe. Therefore; a crime against everything that exists.

For many years I have been posting about hyper-reality and brainwashing from the media and the effects they have on society. I researched, wrote about, and discussed nationalism and racism in 1984, hyper-reality, and the matrix / slave nation we are indoctrinated into at birth in 2006. The brainwashing in the matrix is to keep our belief system away from inner focus. 

I have been on sabbatical since 2013; taking a break from a doctoral program that I do not need. While on sabbatical; I chose to become a certified professional coach (CPC), a spiritual coach. This is more in line with who I am compared to a doctorate which is a credential that will inevitably tell me what I can and cannot discuss in my writings and complain about subjective research. I created the diagram below to briefly show you that your beliefs and reality belong to others.

We were indoctrinated into the matrix at birth as were our parents. If your parents chose to stay in the matrix; chances are, the brainwashing they endured was passed down to you and from you to your children. It really is time to break this cycle. First though, it is important for you to accept that you have been brainwashed. Many people throughout the years are in denial though. The diagram I created below briefly touches on our typical belief system. The reason why it is so easy for me to see what is going on is because I never did fit into the matrix. It is a horrible place where others have created a reality for us and it never worked for me. 

You are not supposed to be a puppet! If you read the beliefs in the diagram, you should see if you identify with any of them. There are only a few there. I can go on for hours, but I will not. I was never one for television (especially the news) or magazines or any type of media actually. I do love music but not on the radio because then I have to listen to bogus commercials that try to influence us to be this or be that and to buy the fastest car, biggest burger and best home. NOT FOR ME. I want the car and house of my dreams, not what was already created without my needs in mind.

We came here to create, not have our reality created for us. As long as you are plugged into the matrix, you are not the intentional creator of your life. You will continue to complain that the Law of Attraction (LOA) does not work; when, indeed it does. It is proven to us all day, everyday with each manifestation we create. Unfortunately, most of the manifestations that we create are unintentional and not what we want.

The reason is because we have a belief system that tells us who we are, tells us what we want and what to eat and how we should dress. We look in the mirror to see if we look the way we are "SUPPOSED TO LOOK." This is a crying shame, isn't it? I stopped looking at my body in the mirror a while back because it can show a reflection only of my outside world which had conditions attached to it. I wrote a post about this several months ago on this blog.

If you want to lose weight and try to manifest this goal; as long as you continue to look in the mirror to see if you are reaching your goal, you probably will not succeed. The reason is that there will be resistance. You cannot manifest that which you desire with resistance. Each time you look in the mirror and see yourself over-weight, you will continue to focus on the weight rather than the desired outcome and stay the same or gain more weight.

Exercise will not help you. All of the diets in the world will not help you. Your beliefs are the foundation of manifesting your desires. Your belief system is the core of life, your thoughts. Thoughts become your reality so your beliefs must be indicative to your desires. Instead, most focus on the lack of what they want to manifest and this is not natural. This focus on lack is attached to a belief system handed down from so-called leaders and media and marketing experts where everything you believe and think come from outside of yourself.

This is the goal. The goal to keep you away from your true selves. It is everywhere around us. Can you not see it? Can't you feel it? It is all the jibber-jabber that you hear in classrooms, on the television, radio, magazines and religious institutions. Here is a good one. In order to keep you from going inside to remember who you really are, you are told by religious leaders that you have to talk to someone outside of yourself to talk with G-d (God, Source, Higher Power). This is very opposite of the truth.

The truth is that you have to go through you. You are an extension of source as we all are so there is no need to go through anyone. Another crime against humanity and yet, the lies continue to come. This is also a crime against God, you see. As we are extensions of God, we are perfectly capable of going within our physical to reach our non-physical. As religions tell you to look outside of yourself, you are putting that person outside of yourself as larger than yourself, the extension of source. Why would I go through someone else to talk with myself?

More on this later. This post will be extended at a later date and the continuation will be dated separately from today's date. Thank you! GET UNPLUGGED!

29, December 2020


Here are some beliefs I see all of the time.

~ [If] you exercise regularly you will lose weight (conditional). The truth is that you can exercise your heart's content and as long as you focus on the weight you haven't lost, you may lose a little weight, stay the same or gain more weight. Funny thing...the law of attraction gives you exactly what you ask for. You attract what you focus on. Energy grows where your focus goes ~ Energy grows where attention flows! 

~ [If] you diet, you will lose weight (conditional). The same rule applies as above. Focus on the weight you have and you will attract more of it.

~ [If] you work hard you will be able to afford the things you want (conditional). This is a great way to make you believe (belief system) that you cannot have the house or car of your dreams without first busting butt. This is not true. Question...why do you want to bust your butt to buy a home that will take you 30 years to pay off? You may be 50, 60 or even 70 when you finally pay off the mortgage. You are supposed to enjoy life at all ages, not just when you are kids and right before you die. This is the belief system here in the United States, correct? You turn 16, a big celebration, you turn 18 and suddenly you are able to move out of your parent's house whether or not you are responsible and then off to work. We know how the drinking age changed from 18 to 21 because many kids are not mature at 18. At 21 you are legally allowed to drink. You bust butt for all of the middle years and then, and only then, are you eligible for social security. Now is the time (in retirement) to have fun and to see what you have never seen before. BOGUS! 

~ [If] you communicate with Jesus 1st, you will be able to communicate with God (a lie & conditional). You are not a body with a soul. You are a soul with a body. Very easy concept to understand, even though you were taught to believe the opposite. You are an extension of source (God, higher-self, etc.). All you have to do is go within and all of your answers are there. This is how Jesus lived. He knew he was an extension of source, he knew he was spirit in a human body and he lived through spirit rather than ego. He lived through higher consciousness and some people call this Christ consciousness. Buddha, the Tao, psychics, and witches all shared this information. They were tortured, burned, hung and nailed for sharing the truth. Basically, if you live like them, through your higher selves rather than ego, you can live like them. Magic is not assigned to a portion of the population, we all have the same abilities. Go inside and communicate with God.

~ You should identify as a biological race (there are none biologically, it is a social construct) There is more variation in human populations that live together than there are between the so-called races around the world. I typically identify as human and have for as long as I can remember. That is who I am. I would identify as consciousness; however, I choose to live :) Separating the HUMAN Race into sub-races has caused nothing but superiority, social class and war. The truth is that climate changes skin color and features. This is how we protect ourselves against harsh environmental conditions. We are one because we come from one source and we are extremely high vibrational and powerful. We are natural creators who can easily bring our desires into manifestation. Many of us don't because the beliefs we have become our constant thoughts turning into words and actions and then manifestations. If you are separated by race, you are separated from the whole. You are told to believe certain things as a whole as in society and yet when there are consequences for your actions that come from the beliefs that were shoveled down your throats, you are independently responsible for them depending on your race. This will not end as long as the rest of you continue to identify as a separate race rather than refusing to. I say the rest of you because there are many of us who choose spirituality over institutionalization. This means that we live reality while others live one created for them in the matrix. 

[If] you want answers to some of the most important questions we have as a species (human), you must conduct objective research rather than subjective research (a lie and conditional).  Without a doubt, the United States and, well, all of western civilization has been ruled by white anglo-saxon protestants who still speak to us from their graves. (This is not me being racist because when I am asked what I am I either say human, American or when someone has to have a more definitive answer, I am white). Telling us to use the scientific method and only other forms of objective research can provide us only with some answers. Today, science is finally catching up with consciousness and who we really are, energy. I would love to believe that they are finally catching up; however, everything real has been hidden from us and replaced with B.S. Finally, there are too many of us out here sharing the truth that the truth has to come about. 

I can go on; however, I am finished for this sesh. Have a happy and healthy new year. Be good to yourselves and treat others as you would have others treat you.