It has been almost 5 years since I started writing this blog regarding manifestation (Jan. 2015), before that created Creators of Our Lives dot com to share that we are the creators of our reality (2012). I created Sewing Social worlds which focused on social justice, hyper-reality and the matrix we should unplug from (2007), and before that, the focus was on racism and supremacy. There were many more and with those when I learned about facebook pages and groups, I created one for each website that I created.
Since then, last year in February or March of 2018, I lost all of my websites along with a home and a few vehicles. I only gained the websites back a few months ago (as I am getting back on track) and I am starting all over with them. I do have articles in a backup file that I have not had a chance to look through as I have been extremely busy with an event I am holding (Kindred Souls Festival ~ The Human Experience). My point here is that I have many interests that focus on healing ourselves and Earth. Regarding this blog, I have posted exercises for you to practice in order to begin focusing on yourselves. Other posts discuss raising your vibration.
I am aware that many people believe that the law of attraction does not work and that they cannot manifest that which they desire. This is not the case though. I have heard on other social network platforms that this blog helps people and I am taking a guess that for others, they feel like the exercises are a waste of time because they are looking for instant gratification with regard to manifesting. If you are on an all-time high vibrationally, sure, manifestation does not take as long as it does for others. For many people, dealing with the day to day stress of waking up and getting ready for work and school, traveling to those places, spending 6 to 12 hours per day in those places and then traveling back home, they have forgotten who they are. They are rapped in the matrix where the media prescribes their beauty and everything in the reality created for them by the matrix.
Many humans know not what it is to create their own reality. It is necessary for some of us to show others that they do not dedicate time in their day for "me-time." Without spending time with yourself and spending all of your time in the matrix, pretty much makes one a robot and a slave to the matrix. It is hard to remain positive all of the time when you are consistently doing things for others. You may feel good bringing home that paycheck that many times is not enough to pay for anything you want after all of the bills are paid; however, this is something you bust your butt for in order to keep a roof over your head. What are you doing to make yourself feel better? What are you doing to manifest that which you desire? You are manifesting a paycheck and those you work for are manifesting their dreams on your hard work. You see, manifestation does work. You just have to do it intentionally in order to manifest your intentional goals rather than manifest for others or manifest that which you lack from that which you desire. More on this in the next post.
06 September, 2019
05 September, 2019
Introducing SPJRIT DOT COM

For almost 5 years, this blog has had visitors and I never pushed to leave comments because I wanted people to practice the exercises I posted and not have to worry about commenting. It has been more about practice. From now on, I will periodically add spiritual partners and friends in order for you to expand your horizons. I start here with SPJRIT DOT COM as we both have blogs and live as our authentic selves. The journey in life may seem difficult; however, our experiences along the journey all lead to the same direction. That is becoming closer to being our authentic selves.
In the near future, I intend to interview Benjamin (SPJRIT) and I will post that interview here.
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