Magic, living through our higher selves, living as energy and through vibrations is certainly not a new concept. It was hidden to Western civilization to the point where witches were burned at the stake. Anything magical belonged in movies.
Other civilizations were and still are very open about who we really are. We have natural born gifts and if not practiced, they are forgotten about to the point where we do not know that we possess them.
I have shared exercises on this blog for the past few years and as more and more people are finally in public discussing our gifts including the law of attraction, you will hear different exercises from different people. I watched a video last week and heard the narrator say that it is not necessary to use post it notes and boards in order to raise your vibration to intentionally manifest. Do not listen to that because although we are all capable of manifesting, we are in different places in our lives due to programming and our different schedules.
Some of us may be too busy during the week with work and then family on the weekend. If this is the case and you do not have time to meditate at this point or to be mindful of your thoughts, thought patterns, words, feelings, emotions and actions, you will need a reminder. You see, after reading these notes and/or boards for a certain amount of time, due to being reminded each day, you will form new habits. The first habit being mindful of yourself.
This is the problem, we chase everything everyday; however, we do not chase ourselves. If we do not have time to pencil ourselves into a schedule, we will continue the same patterns without being mindful of self. You may write on a post it "I Am worthy," and you will not feel worthy the first time you look at it because you are not focusing on how it feels to be worthy. You may be brushing your teeth instead while reading the post it but eventually you will be in the habit of saying you are worthy. That is one step in the process and it is like like multi-tasking which has become so popular. You can brush your teeth while creating a habit if that works for your schedule.
Now, you have that out of the way, when you have a few minutes, maybe before you fall asleep, you can actually focus on what it feels like to be worthy. This is a process so it is best to do what accommodates your schedule (unfortunately) so that you do not give up. When you give up on yourself because you cannot meet your goals, you lose credibility within yourself. When you do not trust yourself, you don't trust that you can manifest your desires. So please do not give up on post it notes if you have a busy schedule or if you are forgetful. If you feel you are not manifesting intentionally, then do what works for you.
As are we so you must do you!