20 March, 2019

Where His / Her Shoes and Let it Go


I realize that there are things that people do that make us think. Why does he do that? Why did she say that? Becoming annoyed at things that people do and holding resentment is not good for you. "Becoming" we automatically come to BE. We are coming into the being of annoyance. Therefore, we hold a vibration of annoyance. People do things for their own reasons and we don't have to understand why. If you know people who do things that annoy you; indeed, you may ask them why they do those annoying things in a kind way and without starting an argument. For people you don't know; simply put yourself in their shoes.

Why put yourself in their shoes? Let me give you an example. I am very analytical in nature and highly aware of what goes on around me. Those characteristics make for a person who many times does not understand the "stupidity of..." Rather than becoming annoyed at people who cut me off almost causing accidents I put myself in their shoes. When people drive 10 mph when everyone else is doing the speed limit of 35 or 45 and they look at me in the mirror to see my reaction, I put myself in their shoes. I ask why I would do something like that. After you do that a few times, you stop asking why you would do something like that and suddenly you start thinking maybe he did that because...

For the people who cut me off like their lives are in danger I say, "Why would I do something like that?" I wouldn't so I come up with maybe he is in a hurry because he is impatient. Maybe there is an emergency. I cannot change his tolerance level by becoming annoyed at him, right? If he has an emergency, I hope it is not life-threatening. Further, we cannot immediately change what people are doing on the road so we must simply be aware of what is going on and let people do what they do.
For the people who drive 10 in a 45 and look for a response in the mirror; well, it seems they have nothing better to do. I have been in conversations in my head trying to justify why people do that. It is better than becoming annoyed and causing an accident or an argument. I think, maybe she doesn't have control in her life and she is showing she has control on the road. Maybe she just wants attention. Maybe she gets off on annoying people. I cannot change any of these things; however, I have an understanding that this person for some reason needs attention. Her hazards are not on, so I can assume she is just acting out. I don't zoom ahead of her. I patiently wait until the lane I will move into is clear and safely move into the next lane. Then as I am looking for the slow lady to be behind me so I can go back into the lane I was originally in, the 10 mph lady speeds up so I can't get in the lane. At this point, I laugh and send good vibes to the miserable person.

Things are going to happen no matter what. The important thing to do is to react in a positive manner for positive outcomes. There is NO better outcome than a positive one.