29 January, 2019
Change your words by Changing your thoughts
The way we talk is due to the way we think. Thinking the way many people think is a result of cultural paradigms within their own culture handed down by their ancestors. Whereas, dominant cultural paradigms are extensions thereof created by governments and their bosses. In western civilization our ideas/paradigms are a mixture of our ancestors cultural paradigms to an extent and social conditioning which is derived from the dominant cultural paradigms created by cultural capitalists. If one does not follow the dominant cultural paradigm, they have a hard time fitting in and people say that is due to a lack of assimilation, among other things.
If we were taught to be our greatest selves, we would say things such as I am abundant, rather than WHEN I go to college for 6 years and graduate, I HOPE to find a good job that WILL pay a good wage. THEN I will be happy and have money to buy a house. WHEN this WHEN that, UNTIL this UNTIL that. What are we waiting for? I remember inquiring as a child how long we WAIT through an entire lifetime. I understood as a child that all humans do is wait. We wait for everything as if what we desire is unreachable until certain conditions are met that are external rather than us knowing that what we desire can be manifested internally. We must go inside. The deliberate social / cultural indoctrination created by cultural capitalists in Western civilization was created in a way that draws human souls into slavery by using money as a tool. This way it feels like choice rather than force.
When your child tells you they want to be an astronaut, a magician, the president or what have you, it is wrong to say that is all in your imagination. You can't do that. You are right, it is all in their imaginations and that is why they CAN manifest that which they desire. We have to learn to change our paradigm in order to change our words. When a child asks why he has to do something, an answer is the greatest response. Saying because I am your mother or I am your father or saying because I said so is not good enough. What dos that teach them. I am afraid that parents use those phrases because they do not actually have an answer. Mommy, why can't I run around and say I am perfect, I am good, I am a super hero, I am the president? There really is no good reason a child should not be able to do this. Children use their imaginations because they are supposed to. Parents dumb it down because they were taught to do so without even knowing it. This is the real dumbing down of society. It is due to the phrases that we were taught to use from deliberate social / cultural indoctrination.
Telling people to be realistic is telling them that what they imagine is not real. Telling people that rich people are greedy and evil is embedding in their minds that one should not be rich. Telling people to have faith and to be hopeful in the same breath is an oxymoron. Why? You must have faith because it is belief that something will happen. When you are hopeful, you simply hope, you do not have faith. These negative words are all over the place. When you shop online, you have a choice to put items on your wish list. Why do you want it on a wish list? If you wish for it, you will continue to do so which gives wishing the upper hand. Since you are responsible for yourself, you are responsible for your thoughts and words. The more you say I hope, I wish, and I want, the more you will go on hoping, wishing and wanting. I am (insert word) is what you have to say. "I Am" states that you are in the now. That is the difference between manifesting your desires and not. Hoping, wishing and wanting are words we should throw away unless you like BEING HOPEFUL, WISHFUL and WANTful. What about fulfill (come full circle)? Don't hope, wish or want to be. Just BE. You are a BEING. Hopes, wishes and wants are what you expect to see in the future. BEING is NOW, it is I AM. We are beings...we are now. We are being not hoping. Are we human hopings, are we human wishings, are we human wantings? No, we are human BEings, To be or not to be. I think; therefore, I am.
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Matthew 12:37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” – Buddha
"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think." Buddha
“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” – Buddha
“Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others.” – Buddha
"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." Jesus Christ
Mark 11:24-5 "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." 25- "And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."
27 January, 2019
New Exercise
So we realize the importance of relaxing so that we can focus and we realize that certain sounds / mantras feel good and raise our vibrations. We have also taken into account that gratitude is magnitude so we are waking up and saying what we are grateful for something. We are not letting others ruin our days because we do not need the negative vibes. What else have we discussed? Oh, how we should look in the mirror, or not and say something positive about ourselves each morning such as I love myself, I am worthy, I am love, I am abundance, whatever you feel comfortable with. If you have to use sticky notes on mirrors, the fridge or wherever is best for you, do so. We should also realize by now that we have to make time throughout each day to spend time with self... more focus on self...self-realization. If you don't go within, you will go without. Ideally, we should meditate at least one hour per day; however, if you can only find time for 15 minutes for now, that will work.
Simply get in a comfortable position and be silent. Focus only on self. If you have not cleared the negative energy from the day, now is the time to do so. Choose something that bothered you and remember how it made you feel. Go through the emotions and then forgive yourself or the other person if you can. If you were bothered by another, put yourself in that person's shoes and find a reason as to why that person did what they did. Then let it go. Make sure to feel your emotions and how they may have felt deeply and try to forgive. There are times when something cannot be resolved unless we talk with the other person and if this is the case, choose a good time to do this.
What we want to do always is learn from all experiences, including the negative ones. There is always something to learn. We take from negative experiences and let them go. If we learn to do this right away, then we don't have all of this negative energy bogging us down and lowering our vibrations. See it, feel it, make amends if need be and LET IT GO. If another harmed you, you may tell them so. They need to know how you feel and hopefully they will feel what you felt and apologize. I am sorry only works when the other party honestly accepts the apology and forgives. Everything must be complete...full circle. Let's not leave karma for a later time or another incarnation. Live in the NOW.
20 January, 2019
Learn How to Trust Your Intuition
We were taught to use intellect over intuition which is a shame. What this means without actually stating so is, use your brain which is limited rather than become self-realized where intuition will guide you. In other words, the ego is accepted as truth and intuition is is accepted as a guess. One is objective and one is subjective on Earth. Have you noticed that epistemology is taught in college rather than grade school? By the time epistemology is taught to us, we are already brainwashed and we are taught about objectivity and subjectivity. The elite do not want children questioning why it is accepted that to know, one must base facts on objective research.
Exercise for trusting my intuition
Typically, when people eat, they use their eyes to see what they are putting in their mouths. This is saying that we trust our eyes rather than our intuition. You may trust closing your eyes while eating mashed potatoes but what about an apple? Apples have seeds, do you trust yourself? I am not telling anyone to do this exercise if they are not comfortable doing so and certainly not a child. If you choose to do this exercise and you are a child, please inform your parents. If you are an adult, choose food that is best for you to do this exercise. I simply close my eyes and eat fruit until the fruit is gone, accept for the core and seeds. I keep my eyes closed the whole time without accidentally biting into the core or seeds.
19 January, 2019
Review and Some Thoughts
A quick review of what is posted here:
Discussions of sounds such as OM that have vibrations which resonate within our inner selves and talk to certain energies within.
Focusing on self-worth by waking up and telling ourselves that we are worthy.
Focusing on gratitude before bed by letting go of the negative things that happened throughout the day and stating something that we are grateful for. In being grateful, you are giving thanks and allowing that vibration to open up and bring more things to be grateful and thankful for. Gratitude is magnitude. We will discuss later about negative experiences had throughout the day. We are trying to bury the negative experiences by thinking of something to be grateful for, rather we are trying to raise our vibration from the negative experience that we had during the day which in essence can lower our vibrations. We should deal with negative experiences as they arise but we will get to that later.
Remember that you can use post its to help you remember by sticking them to your fridge and bathroom mirror. Also effective is to use sticky notes by your door so that when you leave and return home you are reminded that you are worthy, that you are (fill in). I have heard that some people post notes above their beds.
A new post will follow later tonight.
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