01 November, 2015
Navigate but for One Person
Are you aware that when you think badly about others it reflects back on you? Not a single one of us is perfect, NO ONE! Remember this and you are not better than someone just because you have more money or you THINK you have a better life than someone else. Some people are perfectly happy doing what they are doing, and of course some are not. That is for them to decide though, NOT you, unless it is your child. We all have personal journeys in this experience called life, and you are not the pilots, or captains of anyone elses journey. You have your own lives to navigate, so maybe it is a good idea to do so.
It takes energy to talk down to people and it takes energy to be nice to them or think better thoughts about them, so why not be positive. Further, the more you think about how bad someone is, or how poor they are or what a low life someone is, the more you become all of those things you think about. I hold no one above me and no one below me; there is no such thing.
Please take the next 30 days to train yourselves to refrain from talking cra! about others and I know it will be hard for some and in the event that it is because you are one of those people who feels a need to judge everyone, remember that you should be navigating YOUR life and let others be.
20 August, 2015
The Happy Exercise
18 August, 2015
Exercise to Raise Your Vibration
We seem only to attach ourselves to planet Earth, however; we come from the greater scheme of things as Earth is a part of the universe, so are we. Everthing that exists is connected to the universe, so why would we not be? With that said, if you are not ready to believe such a concept, please believe that we ARE energy as is everything in the universe. In the grand scheme of things, everything is connected and comes from one source, hence; we are all counterparts of one.
The universe is energy as are we and the universe feels our vibrations whether positive or negative. We have a choice to be and give off eitheer so why not go with the positive swing of things? Raising your vibration leads to positivity, better health and a magnitude of other great things. Let's get with the higher frequencies within the universe by raising our vibrations. There's an abundance of ways to raise your vibration and they are discussed in my eBooks on creatorsofourlives.com I will not throw things at you without your comprehension in matters, so between the few websites, forums and blogs I have you visiting, you are going to do this all right, I promise.
Now, rather than throw a bunch of things in your face, we will begin with this one exercise. Make time in your day, everyday to make time for yourself even if it is only 15 minutes per day to start. Listen to your favorite song, exercise, talk with your higher power through meditation, well whatever it is that tickles your fancy. Please do this at least once per day for at least 15 minutes for now.
14 August, 2015
Raise Your Vibrations
Do you drop trash around your home or leave banana peels on your couch? Do you not teach your children how to pick up after themselves in and around the house? Yes, I am certain that many of you do. Why then do you lack respect for your earth? I am absolutely disgusted and ashamed of the human race. Humans can be uncaring, cruel and selfish. I tell you it is a glitch. I would love to take my hand and touch each and every one of you and rearrange your damaged DNA. You care about the condition of the home you bought or rent, yet, you do not care about the condition of the greater home, the earth; the home that allows your paid for home to exist. You will be sorry when it is all over, you know; when the point of no return occurs...when it is too late.
Yesterday I posted an exercise that should be practiced before you fall asleep. I hope that you are practicing this exercise. It will change the vibration on earth to a more positive one. The planet, the universe in fact cannot sustain all of this negativity as it is extremely damaging to everything in and around you. Please stop for the sake of people in other countries who have shown us time and again that they want to remove western civilization from the face of the earth, for the sake of the planet which reacts to vibrations as does the universe. Have you ever thought that our negative vibration (collectively) cause catastrophe on the planet and then into the universe? No, you do not think unless you are thinking about your home that is paid for or the car you want, etc.
Humans truly believe many things that should not be considered as truth. Y2K? Really? Your killing me smalls, your killing me! You believe everything! You believe you are free and that you have choices and so forth. You do not...you would know this if you begin to read my eBooks. This post asks that you change your vibrations because it is imperative. Please...do not ignore this after you read this because it shows time and again how selfish you are. It seems everyone would rather find a party, a cocktail etc. You will no longer have those luxuries when we are all dead because we refused to give back to the earth. Do you starve your children? Do you starve your animals? Why are you starving the earth and universe? You live on and in it for pete's sake. You are consumed by greed and are the most selfish beings. Stop being simple-minded and understand that the destiny of your evolution depends on all of you!!!
You must raise your vibrations and we can simply do this one step at a time. First please practice the exercise that I posted yesterday. Today's exercise which should also be practiced everyday until it becomes a habit is to wake up and think of or state something that you are grateful for. Please do this every morning. I do appreciate your time and please follow through with all of the exercises you are about to learn this year. Thank you. I appreciate you all!
New Post on Facebook Fan Page
13 August, 2015
Before you Fall Asleep Exercise
When you climb onto your bed and when you are all tucked in and comfortable don't think, oh this feels great because my feet hurt and I am falling apart. I would rather you think I am comfortable and healing. Now, rather than re-invite all of the bad experiences of the day, create new experiences that you would like to happen. Maybe you are overjoyed because of the promotion at work, maybe you are able to take a well needed vacation. Maybe you received good news or a raise. How does it feel? It feels wonderful and you can feel how wonderful it feels and you feel relief. sweet dreams ;)
12 August, 2015
We are Energy, yet we only use 10% of our Brain's Power
11 August, 2015
New Post on Creators of Our Lives
09 August, 2015
New Post on Creators of Our Lives
Thoughts Paint the Canvas
08 August, 2015
Force Good into the Collective
Do you want to see better outcomes? Become the creators of your lives, rather than let others create reality for you! With outcomes such as murder, missing children, slavery, sex trafficing, bad economies, social class and so forth it is time that you realize that the collective consciousness is missing positive input so let's get with it folks. Be as positive as you can be throughout everyday. You are you, so who makes the call? You do my friends; you decide the outcomes in your lives. Push the bad out of the collective by forcing good in. Simone
05 August, 2015
Clear Your Mind of Negativity
02 August, 2015
Living in the Closet
You must know that what we have been told is not truth and the lives that we live are not our own. What I mean is that there are people (cultural capitalists) who have created our realities for us and we go on day by day allowing this to happen. We do noting about it. We get up each day and follow the rules and are so busy doing what these others want us to do for them that we do not have time to think about US. That was the plan though and even though I do not like it, I have to say; they are doing a great job keeping us in the closet. Well, my friends; it is time to come out of the closet. It is time to awaken!
01 August, 2015
What is going on in your heads?
We have been dumbed down so much that we cannot see what is going on around us.So you think that you watch the news and you know nearly everything about history and current events? You are wrong my firends; you are quite wrong. You know nothing of the reality that you play a part of. You do not have to of course, however; once dumbed down it is hard to see how we have been brainwashed and how westerners live a slave culture. Yes folks, we live in slave nations and we walk around clueless that we are slaves. PATHETIC!
I am selling eBooks on my websites and have posted them to approximately 12 social networks. I have about 150-200 more to post them to. So far I have not received even a small audience interested in purchasing the books. The current state of the nations, planets and universe are in need of major change and I explain this in my books, however; people are too busy farting around in the consumer matrix looking for the bigger and better everything as the bigger and better issues pass by your eyes. We are headed down a course of destruction, maybe extinction and yet all we care about is living up to the standards in the consumer matrix...living up to standards in other people's realities. Do you see something wrong here folks? Stuck in the rabbit hole? Brainwashed to live other people's realities? It is time to awaken so WAKE UP and do it quickly!
Please do us all a favor and visit http://creatorsofourlives.com/ After you read the content please click on the Genesis of the Series and buy these very inexpensive eBooks and tell your family and friends to do the same. I am actually OFFENDED that people are not interested enough about, well...anything and are not reading the books that will bring harmony where it has been filled with chaos! Get with it peeps! Please~
26 July, 2015
I, for instance am philosopohical and have many interests. I have an associate's degree in business administration, a bachelor's degree in criminal justice, a master's degree in education and earning a doctorate in human behaviour. Nothing though, absolutely nothing comes close to my interest in philosophy with a passion for epistemology and metaphysics. While many of us go through life running from who we are really are and from what our purpose is in this life; some of us cannot. Call it luck, destiny, messenger or master; for some of us, our passions or those things we consider to be hobbies are actually life works/purposes. It seems we do not find out until we earn advanced degrees but this is OK because there is a reason for learning what we do.
How wonderful that Descartes had knowledge of mathematics, science and logic to enhance his curiosity with reality. I think; therefore' I am was Descartes' first principle in philosophy. The reality that one doubts means that one exists. The I in I am has senses and feelings and is apart from the body (Descartes, 1644) and gives rise to realizing a separate existence. With that said, I created the Acronym I=E^A. Since I exists then I=E and the existence of I is above all defined as ^A. I define this as I=E^A which means I equals exist above all because I am that I am regardless of body. I is then consciousness and am is whatever consciousness would have it be. Just as a body needs a soul to survive, am needs consciousness to create whatever am is to be. You have heard you are what you eat and you are what you wear. This is all true because above all; we are what we think. We created our past, we created the present in the past and we are now creating our futures from the past and in the NOW. We are doing this now, with every single thought; we create our lives. I am not saying that we create our lives the way we actually want our lives to be, but we do indeed create our lives. Guess what, thoughts that are taught to us are not our natural thoughts so if we are taught to think and feel a certain way then our manifestations coincide with the thoughts that we have adopted from others, we create reality exactly as others want us to but not the way we want to. This is called brainwashing folks. Wake up! Welcome to your awakening!
25 July, 2015
This is YOUR Life
12 January, 2015
Om is a universal word that carries the three sounds of OM into the universe. There are three syllables present in the word Om and they are ahh + oooh + mmmm. (Reiss, 2013).
Reiss, V. (2013). The Meaning of OM. Huffington Post. Retrieved from